Monday, May 16, 2011

English Rules

November 26 - 30

Fortunately, Heathrow Airport has a great luggage storage service. We happily left our bike boxes there (also now stuffed with camping gear) and hopped the train to our home for the next four days. Our generous hosts are Sarah and Mike, touring cyclists we met up with in Hungary. They have offered us their flat in Covent Garden, a superb location from which to explore this great city.

It has been almost seven months since we were in a place where English is the first language and it is quite a treat. Of course, we still screwed up our restaurant orders a bit... We had clear and cold weather for hiking around the city exploring. We could see so much in walking distance from our super and comfy flat in Covent Garden. Our summer gear kept us moving at a brisk pace!

Then Sarah arrived back from Liverpool and Sue got decked out in a winter coat, hat and scarf - super warm - thanks Sarah! Sarah helped us celebrate and toast our trip, which is now coming to a close. We had a great stay and hope to see Sarah and Mike someday soon!

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