Saturday, December 12, 2009

Whirl Wind

110% of our energy is being expended on finishing up our jobs this week. We have very little of our seasonal preparations underway, but our trip planning is coming along. We have plane tickets to Ecuador (January 9) and back from Peru (April 6). We have had our vaccines and now we have a blog! Snow is on the ground. Ski trails are beckoning. Here I am, on a computer - STILL!

We don't have tickets for the European part of our excursion yet, but we have got some of our bike gear, including Sue's new Cannondale touring bike!


  1. Hey! Well done on the set up of the travel blog. We're looking forward to keeping in touch and learning about your adventures as they unfold! Lots of love, C&E

  2. Awesome guys, it looks great! I'll keep checking regularly, have fun!

  3. how wonderful! I hope that your year is full of adventure, fun and laughter! safe travels!
    victoria, bc

  4. It's your last day of work today Sue! So nice to have seen the olympic flame relay with you this morning. Wow, that was early. ; )
    You've had a great "where were you when" kind of day. Hope the rest of your travels are as memorable. xo C&E
