Saturday, January 9, 2010

Off and Flying

Today we fly to Quito, Ecuador. Finally! We have been mired in trip preparations for many weeks now and still haven't had time to get excited. I guess that is what the plane flight is for. Well stocked with mints, chocolates and magazines from our surprise neighbourhood gathering (that we managed to accidently bust) on Thursday night, we are looking forward to our travels. Rex is a little too happy to be at Paula's, but that made it much easier to bid him farewell.

Today is bright and sunny and cold, so we have to ignore the call to the ski trails - and off we fly! (photo: Ben Taylor)


  1. yeehaw! happy trails, folks!

  2. We miss you already! We're showing lulu where sue sue and ian have flied off to. ciao!

  3. Bon Voyage!! Hope you have a wonderful time. Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures!
