Monday, February 15, 2010

It´s a Party in Banos

Feb. 12-16:

Banos, half way down the eastern slopes of the Sierra towards the Amazon (Oriente), is always a tourist trap, but on Carnival weekend, it is a blast. Of course, the water balloons and spray foam are everywhere. Our open-air tourist bus to see the waterfalls was a target for sure - surprise, surpise! Even buckets of water were sent our way! The falls all down the steep valley sides are famous in this area and the new tourist activity of bridge jumping is entertaining to watch as well (with an emphasis on watch)! Live music, some good, lots fairly poor band music, has been blasting through the streets into the evenings and a parade with many groups of dancers in flashy costumes made our freezing cold Santa Claus parade seem a little tame. The streets, although busy, are safe. Vehicles rarely get a chance to get out of first gear as they weave their way through the streets. Sleeping is fine if you can tune out the party music and loud voices! One of us is more successful than the other...!

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