Monday, February 1, 2010

The Rain Forests of Mindo

We spent 4 great days in the Mindo area exploring the local waterfalls and birding. We stayed at the Cabanas Armonia where we had our own cabin surrounded by luxuriant vegetation and an orchid garden with about 200 delicate varieties on display. We thought often of our friend Ben Taylor as we watched about 10 species
of hummingbirds at feeders at three different places. The long tailed sylphs with irridescent green and purple tails are hard to beat! We also enjoyed dinner with some local folks at hostelier Claudia's Rocherio.

On two separate days, we hired guide William from Bird of Paradise Guiding. The first day, we birded from the road (up) to the waterfalls and saw over 50 species including 2 species of toucans, mot mots and tanagers. We enjoyed the Butterfly Garden a
nd lunch after a full morning's birding. On the second day, we visited a private reserve ca
lled Parais de los Aves. The owner Angel is a farmer and now passionate birder who calls in many different birds from different places along the trails. He has a feeding routine, so we got to see many species up close that are usually very difficult to see. The bright yellow tanagers, toucans, hummingbirds and antpittas were particularly beautiful/interesting. We also saw two of the legendary Cock of the Rock birds that are fairly large, bright red birds. Famous empanadas on si
te for a later breakfast, too!

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